Monday, 3 April 2017

Game Jounalism Day 1

                                Game Journalism  Day 1                                    

What are a person's basic needs for life?

The first and most basic of all needs are those to do with physical survival. This is the need for food, drink, shelter, sleep and oxygen

What is the definition of the title of the game?

The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level.

A brief description of the game.

You have to get wood form trees and find items on the ground to craft items to survive.
You can find chests and metal scrap, but be careful or you could run into a bear or a wolf which will kill you. You could find a bunny or a chicken and kill them for food. You can also die from not eating, not drinking or fall damage ect.

What type of game is it and what does it compare to?
It is a survival game and it is like Minecraft, Rust and like ARC.

What does it mean to be 'early access'?
You get to play a game before its release.

What are a few of the features of the game?

You can move , jump, sprint, crouch.

You can shoot, reload, switch weapons, use emotes, access an inventory and build.\

You can choose a toolbelt.

According to the game... what are the tips for DAY 1?

What advice do you have for your readers? (TIPS & TRICKS)

1. When you see a bear or a wolf, run!!!
2. Get wood and craft 1st.
3.Look for scrap and chest.
4. Play on a good computer. 

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